Millionaire Bachelor? Call Chris' personal cell to discuss privately at 1-206-372-5798 (11am-3pm PST + Sundays), or email We continue to carefully match during Covid-19 2021.



man in suit

This is upscale matchmaking offline, for the mature (divorced or widowed), professional millionaire bachelor, in your early 50’s or 60’s.  You are seeking a true partner-in-life (a healthy, beautiful, intelligent and educated woman) for “forever love.”

You can’t seem to find her.

You earn a minimum $500K annual income (usually much more), with net worth rarely less than $5M and $20M+ is common.

We don’t dig into your financials ever. You know if you qualify or not.

As an established, elite matchmaking service, men pay a five-figure retainer or sometimes more (depending on the matchmaking plan or challenge of search), similar to executive recruiting. We guarantee 100% matches YOU approve first.

Please don’t worry if your net worth is $5M or $100M – this is NOT a contest.  What you choose to disclose is kept 100% confidential between you and our agency.  It has no bearing on who we match you up with or not.  All is fair game the minute you hire us.

The 4M Club, a boutique matchmaking business for 20-years, was founded in 2001.  You will work with Christine Stelmack, a world class elite matchmaker, who always has your best interests at heart.

If you prefer using an online dating site or app “swapping left and right,” this is NOT for you. 

If you have considered hiring a premier matchmaking service with the owner working one-on-one with you, UNTIL she finds your match, then continue reading on.

Let’s face it.  An available man of significant wealth faces a difficult time finding a woman who will love him for who he is and not his wallet.

We conduct this incredibly important search for you.  We select smart, kind, beautiful and intelligent career women you desire – and eliminate the insincere or financially clueless.

We’ve had many successful long-term relationships under our belt and a good number of marriages over the years.  All started out long-distance, and ended up in the man’s city.

You’re a very successful, busy man (and well-seasoned traveler), who doesn’t hang out at bars or clubs – nor do you participate anymore in the competitiveness and deception of online dating and social media.  And you don’t date your employees (ever.)  That’s why you seek our help.

We work one-on-one with you, and we represent a small group of select bachelors around the country at any given time – who don’t mind meeting their potential soulmate from anywhere in the U.S.  If you travel frequently and are adventuresome, this is the perfect luxury service for you.

You don’t mind getting on a plane to meet your match.  If you are only looking to date locally, we are not the service for you.  That said, we may have a match in your city that you’d like to meet, but most often you would be flying out-of-state (or a long car drive.)  And if you end up seriously dating your match, you’d invite and fly her occasionally to your city (booking her at a nice hotel)  – so it becomes more of a “back and forth” courtship.

If you happen to live in California or Florida, we certainly have accumulated a good amount of women from those areas – perhaps there is a good match for you.  But our typical client base (the successful men who hire us privately) come from ALL OVER the United States.  And they are happy to meet the potential love-of-their-life in almost any major city (some even prefer it that way.)  

Keep in mind, if or when a long-distance relationship becomes really serious, the woman always ends up in the man’s city (eventually 🙂


No Gold Diggers Allowed.

While our male clientele don’t ever care what a woman does for a living – we care for you.

The CAREER women we represent generally earn on average $85K annual income and usually more. Probably $100K-$350K is more common. These ladies can afford to travel and live on their own.

That’s why candidates we choose must be educated and fully employed and make  minimum $65K to even be considered (we make *some* exceptions, since we know you don’t care how much a woman earns.)

We also perform an in-depth professional background check and conduct 2-3 hour interviews with each woman we hand-select  – before they meet our client. 

From what we’re told, no other elite agency is as invested in women candidates as us.

Unlike other agencies, we never charge women to apply  – because we present you desirable women, and then you decide who YOU want to meet. Women paying for a matchmaker are usually not ladies our clients would date anyway.  Sure, there are exceptions.  But we decided when launching 20 years ago, that our service is solely for the highly accomplished man –  YOU hire us and decide who you date; let women apply free, so we can guarantee the perfect matches for you.

You don’t ever want to be in a position where a matchmaker is placing you with “paid women clients” – that’s a compromise set up for failure.  That will never happen when you hire 4M, since women don’t hire us (and it is always free for them to apply.)  We then choose from the cream-of-the-crop!

We spend much time marketing and pre-qualifying the most desirable women we want on board (that’s why only 1 or 2  for every 20 applicants make the cut.)  We have to be that picky, because you are!   That includes authentic background checks on anyone we match with a client. Nobody wants to date a woman who has DUI’s, bankruptcy, fraudulent checks passed or worse.  That won’t happen with 4M Club, not with our due diligence!

Along with our constant advertising throughout the U.S., our passion and devotion sets us apart from our competitors (and we network with our women candidates, too.)  We keep our “inventory” of truly desirable women fresh and current.  We’re not matching you with women who applied 10-years ago (as some agencies do); OR an undesirable woman who paid an agency, and now they expect to meet a great guy (then you are stuck with someone you don’t want to meet.)  Never with our agency!

It’s always in your best interest that 4M Club present you with exceptional matches to preview – unlike those women who pay other agencies for guaranteed dates.  Let other services accept women for pay; we will never do that.

YOU, on the other hand, are 100% guaranteed introductions YOU choose to meet.  If you decline someone we present you, then on to the next candidate.  You receive at least 3-5 photos (always current) and a bio of any lady we present you.

4M’s founder, Chris Stelmack, is known as “The Photo Nazi” – because no client of hers has ever met someone looking different, other than the most current pictures she shares with you.

In other words, no surprises when you meet your match in person, no matter how many miles you flew to meet her. Unless you think, “Wow, Chris, she’s even more beautiful in person” is a surprise 🙂

Chris’s phone chats with 4M women candidates are both enlightening and eye-opening.  Her conversations are purely organic, and that’s why they go longer than intended.  She digs deep, but Chris keeps the conversation flowing naturally.  There is a bond and trust that easily develop. And you’re kept in the loop, as Chris deems necessary.

AND, after each introduction, our agency receives a comprehensive “first date” report from YOUR match  –  because Chris always lets you know where you stand, with any new woman you meet.

We match our clients with the most desirable women from their late 30s to early 60s. Age 40s and 50s women are the most sought after with our mature clientele. Physically beautiful, slender, educated, intelligent, healthy, fun to be around, athletic, working, interesting and sweet.

Because that’s what you want!

Our successful and picky clients demand THE WHOLE PACKAGE – and while beauty is important to you, it’s never at the expense of other great qualities you deserve with the right woman – such as trustworthiness, integrity, financially responsible, someone with compassion and kindness.


We are opposite of a “Sugar Daddy” site.

If you are rich, looking for women half your age and totally dependent on you, then please enlist at SugarDaddy or those type sites.  This is not what 4M Club is about.  Our professional clients hire us to meet the most incredible woman possible, with our help, for lifetime partnership. 



If you have more money than time – and your current lifestyle won’t change by hiring an exclusive matchmaker – you’re our ideal client.

We’re proud to represent this niche group of authentic and successful millionaire bachelors –somebody has to do it, right?  (said tongue-in-cheek.)

We make unrequited LOVE happen for you.

Our main base of clientele have always been CEO’s, but we represent others, too.  We’ve served Ivy League University presidents, Hollywood film producers, senior executives (C-level), real estate developers, physicians, surgeons, owners of manufacturing companies, sports celebrities, retail titans, or the uber successful and independent entrepreneur.

YOU enjoy your incredible lifestyle and financial independence from now until eternity, and you lack nothing – EXCEPT, that exceptional woman in life.  And that’s where we come in.

We work solely with qualified men who are legally divorced, widowed or never married.  If you’re legally separated, but not officially divorced yet, we won’t take you on board until your divorce is final.  This is best policy for all parties involved – and women we match you with stand the same.

It’s worth repeating that when you hire us privately, the 4M Club commands a significant retainer fee.  This is in line with the handful of reputable and genuine U.S. matchmakers who solely work with this impressive group of men.  There are very FEW of us.

If YOU qualify and wish to consult with Chris, she is very happy to answer your questions and learn more about you.

To quietly and privately discuss your options, please contact Chris now – or email her to schedule a phone chat.

Please note, we are on Pacific Coast time. Weekends are fine to contact, if you are unable to reach Chris during normal business hours.


Qualified Men Apply Now By Clicking Here.

CONTACT INFO:  Chris’ direct office line: 1-206-285-0303  Chris’ Cell on weekends: 1-206-372-5798   Email:




''4M Club makes confidentiality a priority. I was skeptical of matchmaking in general, but Chris’s professional approach and friendly demeanor put me at ease. I travel a lot and Chris gave me a few more months extended on my contract. I have been dating the same woman for 7-months now after meeting only 2 women. I don’t know what the future brings, but my present couldn’t be happier.''

J.M. (C-level, Fortune 100 tech company), SAN FRANCISCO, CA

''Chris still doesn’t know why I made her sweat it out over 2 years before I hired 4M, not to punish her though. As a divorced 61-year-old owner of a large manufacturing company, I just never thought I would need a matchmaking service in my life. I thought wrong. Chris, you treat me amazing and I only wish I signed up the day I spoke to you. Better late than never I guess.''

R.L. (CEO, entrepreneur/manufacturer), RALEIGH, NC


''What’s interesting is I live in Los Angeles near the ocean, home to some of the most beautiful women in the world. I figured why should I hire 4M when I can meet anyone anytime. I realized at my age, 53, no matter how good looking and ||younger than my years|| I know I am, I still was not meeting the type woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I am from the Midwest originally, so in my heart of hearts, I preferred meeting someone anywhere but here. And I did. Chris introduced me to a beautiful and really sweet woman in Portland. On the plus side, she is originally from Wisconsin like I am. We got married a little over 2-years ago and my wife and I share our love and the California sunshine together (yes, just like Chris says, the lady really does move to be with her man.) We recently met up with Chris in Seattle and we all enjoyed a beautiful dinner on top of the Space Needle—mostly to thank Chris in person again. It was great to see you, Chris—keep on matching wonderful people together like you do.''

AARON S. & BECKY S. (CEO & Entrepreneur, Men & Women's Fashion), SANTA MONICA, CA

''Chris and 4M have been part of my life a couple years now. I travel quite a bit and I've met some real quality women through her agency. I would say all marriage material, but I am almost 51 and being cautious this time around. I've been through two divorces and want to make sure third is the charm. I know I will end up marrying one of Chris’s introductions. She likes to remind me it’s time already, and all I can say is I agree Chris.''

P.V. (President, Real Estate Development), SCOTTSDALE, AZ

''Thanks to 4M and Chris specifically, I never have to do online dating again. I always had to be super careful anyway because of my position, but now 4M takes the pressure off. Honestly, the time I wasted online I can never get back. I have already met two equally great ladies in less than 7-weeks after signing up with Chris. One lives in NYC and the other in L.A. I wanted to meet a third, but Chris pointed out this is about finding THE ONE, not multiple women like you do online. She rightly pointed out let’s do a process of elimination with 1 or 2, before we proceed—if it even gets to that point, as my first match I am planning for a 2nd date this weekend cross country! Chris can be tough, but always fair. Okay, she’s also super easy to talk to, something I appreciate.''

MARK G. (C-level, Fortune 500 financial company), NEW YORK CITY, NY

''I have worked with Chris on and off for 9-years now. I would never consider another matchmaker, because Chris knows “my type” and the woman I ultimately want to spend the rest of my life with. I’ve had a couple serious long-term relationships during this time, both long-distance. Even though they didn’t result in marriage, the quality of women Chris brings to the table is by far superior to other elite matchmakers I worked with long before signing up with 4M. Thanks, Chris, for being my confidante and I know one day you are fixing me up with the woman I will marry.''

RUSSELL D. (Senior Partner & Entrepreneur), WASHINGTON D.C.

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