Q: Hello, Chris. I have been dating the same man for almost 5-years. Every Mother’s Day he visits his mom – but he never sees mine. They are only 45-minutes apart from each other, so location really isn’t an issue. He says it’s because, “my mom is mine and your mom is yours.” I’ve suggested having a joint brunch at a nice restaurant for all of us, but it never happens. Do our moms really need to remain exclusive on Mother’s Day?

~ Leslie in Dallas

Hi Leslie,

Thanks for reaching out. I wish all my blog questions were this easy.

Without knowing more, I am taking a wild guess this only occurs on Mother’s Day and not other major holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I bet during those occasions you visit each other’s immediate family.

In other words, if you had said or suggested, “and I’ve never even met his mother yet” – well, then I’d be really worried.

So I am going to give your boyfriend a pass on this one. The bond between a mother and daughter, or a mother and son, is indeed a special one.

I personally would cherish the “one-on-one” time with your own mom (and other siblings if you share together.) And let your significant other cherish this special day with his mother.

The only person on your mind right now should be your own mom – with a “please give my best to your mother” as an aside to your boyfriend.

He’ll appreciate you for that, and who knows, maybe one year he’ll surprise you and suggest a joint Mother’s Day brunch on his own.

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone who has raised a child or contributed to their well-being  – a birth mother, mom’s who adopted, a foster mom, your best girlfriend, a sister, an aunt or a grandmother.

You are all our heroes.



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