Being Ghosted By Someone Is No Fun

Q: Hi, Chris. I recently met a man I was attracted to while having drinks at a 5-star hotel. During the week, we texted a few times and met up for a nice dinner. We had fun and enjoyed our time together. I texted him a couple days later and invited him to an art...

Boyfriend Too Good A Handyman

Q: Chris, I am a 42-year-old man dating a woman (age 39) for almost one-year now.  We both have great jobs and earn good incomes.  At what point do I excuse myself from doing “chores” around her house? I happen to be talented at “handyman...

He Desires Sex, She Doesn’t; What To Do

Q: Chris, I am a wealthy, divorced man age 58 dating a beautiful 50-year-old woman. This is long-distance and I’ve visited her every other weekend for the past 4 months. She’s sexy, sweet and intelligent – and I have fallen for her. I have one issue. We sleep...